Thursday 18 July 2024 21:26
Results and Standings
Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca Girone Blu
Matches (h. 18:00) Res. Set Partial
Sieco Service Ortona 0-0      
Plus Volleyball Sabaudia      
Rinascita Lagonegro 0-0      
Energy Time Campobasso      
Aurispa Lecce 0-0      
JV Gioia Del Colle      
Avimecc Modica 0-0      
SportSpecialist Reggio Calabria      
Gaia Energy Napoli 0-0      
Folgore Massa Sorrento      
Rest: BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte
Until the  () Points Result Type Matches
3·0 3·1 3·2 2·3 1·3 0·3 W L
 Aurispa Lecce . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Avimecc Modica . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Energy Time Campobasso . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Folgore Massa Sorrento . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Gaia Energy Napoli . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 JV Gioia Del Colle . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Plus Volleyball Sabaudia . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Rinascita Lagonegro . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Sieco Service Ortona . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 SportSpecialist Reggio Calabria . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Complete Standings   
3·0 and 3·1 Wins 3 points With parity of points:
  • Precede the team with more won matches
  • If the parity persists, the best set quotient is used
  • If the parity persists, the best points quotient is used
  • 3·2 Wins 2 points
    2·3 Wins 1 point
    1·3 and 0·3 Wins 0 points

    Championship Grid
    Regular Season Serie A3 Credem Banca Girone BluAvimecc ModicaBCC CastellanaCampobassoGioia Del CoImpavida OrtonaLagonegroLecceNapoliReggio CalabriaSabaudiaSorrento
    Avimecc Modica 8 dec2 feb22 dec3 nov17 nov19 jan5 jan13 oct9 feb2 mar
    BCC Castellana16 feb 27 oct29 dec26 jan15 dec9 mar24 nov1 dec10 nov12 jan
    Campobasso24 nov5 jan 19 jan8 dec26 dec20 oct9 mar3 nov15 dec9 feb
    Gioia Del Co9 mar20 oct10 nov 5 jan3 nov26 dec15 dec16 feb26 jan24 nov
    Impavida Ortona12 jan17 nov16 feb27 oct 19 jan2 feb1 dec22 dec13 oct29 dec
    Lagonegro26 jan2 mar13 oct12 jan10 nov 1 dec16 feb29 dec27 oct22 dec
    Lecce10 nov22 dec29 dec13 oct24 nov9 feb 26 jan2 mar12 jan27 oct
    Napoli27 oct2 feb22 dec2 mar9 feb8 dec17 nov 19 jan29 dec13 oct
    Reggio Calabria26 dec9 feb12 jan8 dec9 mar20 oct15 dec10 nov 24 nov26 jan
    Sabaudia1 dec19 jan2 mar17 nov26 dec5 jan3 nov20 oct2 feb 8 dec
    Sorrento15 dec3 nov1 dec2 feb20 oct9 mar5 jan26 dec17 nov16 feb