Tuesday 3 September 2024 12:15
Home Teams Posts by Verona


The Night of Verona’s Volleyball

Verona Volley is the protagonist of "The Night of Verona's Volleyball", celebrating out wonderful sport in our wonderful city.

Magalini with italian national team Under 21

Verona Volley player Giulio Magalini has been selected by italian national team Under 21, looking out for next events of the Azzurri.

Verona Volley busy in pre season

Verona Volley is working hard in practice during the training camp, approaching next pre season's games, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Superleague...

Francois Lecat at AGSM Forum

Verona Volley saw Francois Lecat at Agsm Forum, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Superleague tough, long and busy season.

Official Physiotherapist team for Verona

Verona Volley hired a big official Physiotherapist staff, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Superleague long, busy and tough season.

Verona is working hard

Verona Volley is ready to face another big challenge, approaching the training camp with the right attitude, working hard in practice, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022...

Adi Lami brand new team manager

Verona Volley hired Adi Lami as brand new Team Manager, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Superleague tough, long and busy season.

Enthusiasm at Agsm Forum

Verona Volley started on today the brand new adventure, approaching training camp with the official rally, looking out for next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Superleague...

Dario Simoni with Verona

Dario Simoni will be with Verona Volley until 2022 season, looking out for next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A tough, busy and long season.

Verona Volley will start with covid tests

The first day of Training camp next upcoming 16th august for Verona Volley will be dedicated to physical tests and covid tests, looking out for...

16th august the official rally

Verona Volley will start brand new adventure next 16th august with the official rally, approaching the training camp and looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022...

Verona Volley with Macron

Will be Macron the technical sponsor of Verona Volley, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Superleague tough, busy and long season.