Tuesday 30 July 2024 6:27
Home Teams Posts by Tuscania


Quadraroli and Sandu to Region’s Trophy 2022

The satisfactions at Etruria Volley also arrive in the summer: the consortium of northern Lazio brings two of its best athletes, Tommaso Quadraroli and...

Francesco Corrado in Tuscania

Exceptional market hit for Maury's Com Cavi Tuscania. After three seasons in Superlega and as many in A2, where he also won an Italian...

Samuel Onwuelo in Tuscania

The Italian-Nigerian Samuel Onwuelo, 198 cm tall, is the new opposite of Maury's Com Cavi Tuscania. The 25-year-old place two comes directly from Siena, where...

Samuele Aprile in the middle for Tuscania

The acquisition campaign of Maury's Com Cavi Tuscania continues in view of the next A3 championship. To strengthen the place 3 comes from Portomaggiore...

Tuscania landed Mauro Sacripanti

New arrival at Maury's Com Cavi Tuscania. To strengthen the spikers department comes Mauro Sacripanti from Aversa. Roman born in '98 for 188 cm in...

Still Sebastiano Stamegna in Tuscania

Confirmation in place four for Sebastiano Stamegna who will wear the Maury's Com Cavi Tuscania jersey again next season. Born in Gaeta in 2001, the...

Roberto Festi back in Tuscania

Well done for Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania. After the last two years in Santa Croce (A2) Roberto Festi, born in 1994 for 202 cm...

Sandro Passaro with Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania

Maury's Com Cavi Tuscania will restart from Sandro Passero, looking forward next upcoming 2022/2023 Credem Banca Serie A3 tough and busy season.

Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania facing Aurispa Libellula Lecce in Game 2

Quarterfinals Play Off A3 Credem Banca - G. Bianco Domenica 24 Aprile 2022, ore 18.00 Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore - Med Store Tunit Macerata Arbitri: Cecconato Luca,...

Home loss for Tuscania in Game 1

MAURY'S /COM CAVI TUSCANIA - AURISPA LIBELLULA LECCE 1/3 (22/25 -25/21 - 23/25 - 23/25) Durata: '29, '29, '29, '32 Arbitri: Marco Laghi e Beatrice Cruccolini Maury's Com...

Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania facing Aurispa Libellula

Quarterfinals Game 1 Play Off A3 Credem Banca - Girone Bianco Mercoledì 20 aprile 2022, ore 20.30 Med Store Tunit Macerata - Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore...

Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania in fourth place

13th Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca - Girone Bianco: Abba Pineto-Videx Grottazzolina 1-3 (25-18, 22-25, 20-25, 23-25) Volley 2001 Garlasco-Gamma Chimica Brugherio 3-0...