Tuesday 16 July 2024 10:45
Home Teams Posts by Savigliano


Samuele Cravero will be again in Savignano

Savignano extended the contract to Samuele Cravero, looking foward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 long, tough and busy season.

Alberto Gonella still in Savignano

Alberto Gonella with be again a middle blocker for Savignano, looking foward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 long, tough and busy season.

Gabriele Ghio extended

Middle blocker Gabriele Ghio extended his contract with Savignano, looking foward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 long, tough and busy season.

Francesco Dutto again in the middle

Savignano confirmed his middle blocker Francesco Dutto, looking foward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 long, tough and busy season.

Giacomo Ghibaudo still in Savignano

Savignano extended Giacomo Ghibaudo, looking foward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 long, tough and busy season.

Paolo Rabbia extended

Savignano extended the contract with libero Paolo Rabbia, looking foward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 long, tough and busy season.

Daniele Gallo in Savignano

Savignano Volley inked Daniele Gallo as Libero, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 tough, long and busy season.

Marigliano inked Nicolò Bergesio

Nicolò Bergesio will play next season with Marigliano, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 tough, long and busy season.

Marco Garelli with Marigliano

Marigliano will be together with Marco Garelli, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 tough, long and busy season.

Captain Bossolasco still with the club

Marigliano extended the contract to Captain Bossolasco, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 tough, long and busy season.

Alberto Vittone setter of Marigliano

Marigliano extended the contract to setter Alberto Vittone, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 tough, busy and long season.

Andrea Testa back up setter

A back up setter inked by Marigliano, Andrea Testa, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A3 tough, busy and long season.