Tuesday 16 July 2024 8:40
Home Teams Posts by sarroch


Leondino Giombini brand new head coach

Leondino Giombini, new head coach of Sarlux Sarroch, takes his seat on the Gialloblu bench. A past as a player that doesn't need much introduction:...

Another tie break loss for Sarlux Sarroch

  7th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina - Consoli Sferc Brescia 3-1 (25-22, 25-18, 23-25, 27-25) WOW Green House Aversa-Conad Reggio...

Another loss for Sarlux Sarroch

6th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce - Puliservice Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo 3-2 (18-25, 25-23, 25-21, 15-25, 16-14) Sieco Service Ortona-Consar...

It was a loss in Bologna

While the elite of local volleyball turned their gaze on the Biella Forum during the All Saints weekend, the Serie A2 Credem Banca was...

Facing Geetit Bologna

4th Round: Wednesday at 18.00 Aversa hosts Ortona, Siena goes to Reggio, Castellana to Pineto, Cuneo to Brescia, Ravenna to Santa Croce. Cantù awaits...

Sarlux Sarroch lost versus Mantova

4th Round: Wednesday at 18.00 Aversa hosts Ortona, Siena goes to Reggio, Castellana to Pineto, Cuneo to Brescia, Ravenna to Santa Croce. Cantù awaits...

Gabbiano Mantova ready for next round

Gabbiano Mantova arrives on Saturday, another newly promoted team, a creature of a historically volleyball friendly territory which has already experienced the glories of...

Bad road loss for Sarroch

  2nd Round First Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Stadium Mirandola-Gamma Chimica Brugherio 3-0 (25-14, 25-18, 25-23) Moyashi Garlasco-Belluno Volley 3-1 (28-30, 25-22,...

Great first game for Sarlux Sarroch

1st Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina – Puliservice Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo 3-1 (25-19, 25-17, 30-32, 26-24) Consoli Sferc Brescia -...

High and lows at Torneo Cabras

An important friendly weekend for our Gialloblu team just spent in Sant'Antioco, where the 22nd Tournament in memory of Giacomo Cabras was played. In the...

First test match versus Cagliari

The first joint training session of the Gialloblu season was held on Friday 15 September as guests of Cus Cagliari. The central defender Cristiano and...

Sarlux Sarroch working hard in practice

Fourth week of preparation for the Gialloblu of Sarlux Sarroch, who continue their work in view of their championship debut on 14 October. The...