Tuesday 16 July 2024 9:55
Home Teams Posts by SanGiustino


San Giustino thinking about Playoffs

ErmGroup San Giustino arrives at its rest period with a trio of 3-0 victories and with second place in the Blue group standings of...

Another 3-0 win for ErmGroup

7th Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Moyashi Garlasco - Gabbiano Mantova 3-2 (28-26, 17-25, 23-25, 26-24, 16-14) Negrini CTE Acqui...

National Under 19 Finals

The last veils were removed on the morning of Saturday 10 February: from next Tuesday 14 to Sunday 19 May, San Giustino and the...

ErmGroup challenging Napoli

7th day of return: Saturday four matches in the White Group: at 8.30pm the Emilian derby Bologna - Mirandola. On Sunday the Lombard derby...

San Giustino winner on road

6th Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme - Belluno Volley 1-3 (21-25, 17-25, 25-18, 19-25) Personal Time San...

ErmGroup in Marcianise

  Girone Bianco starts on Saturday with Mantova – Cagliari at 3.30pm, Sarroch and Motta on the court at 7.00pm, Savigliano and Bologna at 8.30pm....

San Giustino looking out for some continuity

Together with Augusto Quarta, he forms one of the strongest central pairs in Serie A3. Insiders confirm. Arriving in the summer from Abba Pineto,...

Clear win for ErmGroup over Bari

5th Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Moyashi Garlasco - CUS Cagliari 3-1 (25-17, 25-23, 20-25, 27-25) Stadium Mirandola - Negrini...

ErmGroup San Giustino challenging Bari

On Saturday in the White Group the Mantua - Brugherio derby, Motta hosts Salsomaggiore, Savigliano receives Sarroch, on Sunday three more matches between 4.00pm...

ErmGroup working hard

No illusions, not even when ErmGroup San Giustino won the first set at the Banca Macerata Forum against the leaders of the Blue group...

Good start but a loss in Macerata

  4th Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme-Gabbiano Mantova 1-3 (25-18, 22-25, 19-25, 17-25) Belluno Volley-Personal Time San Donà...

ErmGroup facing the leaders Macerata

  Girone Bianco starts on Saturday at 5pm with Sarroch – Bologna, at 6pm in Campo Motta and Mirandola. On Sunday at 6.00 pm the...