Saturday 28 September 2024 15:18
Home Teams Posts by ReggioEmilia


Road win in Cantù

Pool Libertas Cantù - Conad Reggio Emilia 23-25 (27’) 18-25 (23’) 28-30 (34’) 25-15 (21’) Conad Reggio Emilia: Zamagni 8, Catellani -, Held 4, Sesto -, Cagni...

Win over Porto Viro

Conad Reggio Emilia - Delta Group Porto Viro 25-21 (25’) 23-25 (24’) 25-20 (25’) 25-15 (20’) Conad Reggio Emilia: Zamagni 14, Catellani n.e, Held 2, Sesto 2,...

Facing Porto Viro at PalaEnza

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore will face Delta Volley Porto Viro next wednesday 29th september at PalaEnza, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca...

Volley Tricolore won IV SFARC Trophy over Brescia

Gruppo Consoli McDonald’s Brescia– Conad Reggio Emilia 25-20 (23’) 18-25 (23’) 22-25 (24’) 23-25 (23’) Gruppo Consoli McDonald’s Brescia: Orazi n.e, Timberti 1, Giannotti 12, Bettinzoli n.e,...

In Porto Viro for Test match

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore will play in Porto Viro the fourth test match of the pre season, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca...

Conad with the project Ri-gio-chiamo S3 Spikeball

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore will support the project "Ri-Gio-Chiamo S3 Spikeball", looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 tough, busy and long...

Conad Reggio Emilia supports “Una bambola dal grande cuore”

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore supports the campaign Una Bambola dal Grande Cuore, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 busy, long and...

A loss for Conad

Conad Reggio Emilia – Amysoft Lycurgus 20-25 (25’) 25-17 (22’) 25-19 (30’) 18-25 (23’) 12-15 (15’) Conad Reggio Emilia: Zamagni 11, Catellani -, Held 4, Sesto 5,...

Win for Reggio

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore won 3-1 over dutch team Amysoft Lycurgus, after the 3-2 win over Cantù last week. Good game for Reggio,...

EDEN and Conad Reggio Emilia together

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore sealed a sponsorship deal with EDEN, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 tough, long and busy season.

Transcoop and Volley Tricolore together

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore sealed a sponsorship deal with Transcoop, looking forward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 tough, long and busy season.

Reggio Emilia to Latteria Sociale Casale di Bismantova

Conad Reggio Emilia Volley Tricolore visited Latteria Sociale Casale di Bismantova, during the training camp looking foward next upcoming 2021/2022 Credem Banca Serie A2 long,...