Tuesday 16 July 2024 9:52
Home Teams Posts by Prata


Tinet fought hard but Grottazzolina was too much

TINET PRATA – YUASA BATTERY GROTTAZZOLINA 1-3 TINET: Baldazzi, Katalan 4, Alberini 2, Pillon, Aiello (L), Lucconi 15, Scopelliti 8, De Angelis (L), Pegoraro, Bellanova,...

Big match Tinet versus Grottazzolina

6th day of return: Prata and Grottazzolina will play on Saturday. On Sunday at 4.00 pm Ravenna hosts Ortona and Castellana hosts Porto Viro,...

Road win for Prata

WOW GREEN HOUSE AVERSA – TINET PRATA 0-3 AVERSA: Pinelli 1, Spignese (L), Argenta 13, Canuto 7, Lyutskanov 10, Presta 2, Rossini (L), Biasotto, Spagnuolo...

Tinet on road

5th day of Second Half: Aversa and Prata advance to 8.30pm on Saturday. Sunday first match at 4.00 pm with Cantù – Siena, four...

Clear win for Tinet over Cantù

TINET PRATA DI PORDENONE 3 POOL LIBERTAS CANTU' 0 (26-24, 25-22, 27-25) TINET PRATA DI PORDENONE: Alberini 1, Lucconi 8, Terpin 20, Petras 22, Scopelliti 4, Katalan...

Tinet facing Cantù

4th Round Second Half: Saturday at 8.30pm 4 advances scheduled. On Sunday at 4pm the league leaders Grottazzolina goes to Porto Viro. At 6.00...

No way for Prata in Santa Croce

KEMAS LAMIPEL SANTA CROCE – TINET PRATA 3-0 SANTA CROCE: Allik 13, Gabriellini (L), Coscione 1, Parodi, Brucini, Cargioli 10, Russo, Colli 13, Matteini, Petratti,...

First part of the season for Prata

3rd Round Second Half: everyone on the pitch on Sunday. At 4.00 pm Catania hosts Piacenza, at 5.00 pm Milan – Cisterna and Padua...

Tinet’s comeback fell short

TINET PRATA – EMMA VILLAS SIENA 2-3 TINET: Baldazzi, Katalan 9, Alberini 1, Aiello (L), Lucconi 33, Scopelliti 3, De Angelis (L), Pegoraro, Bellanova, Terpin...

Big match versus Siena

The 2nd round of the Serie A2 Credem Banca Regular Season coincides with the first two days of matches between the teams in the...

Prata at half season

A beautiful and exciting starting point. This is intended to be the first glimpse of the 2023 - 2024 season for the yellow-blue club....

Win and second place for Tinet

1st Round Second Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: WOW Green House Aversa-Pool Libertas Cantù 0-3 (19-25, 22-25, 26-28) BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte - Consoli Sferc Brescia...