Tuesday 16 July 2024 9:35
Home Teams Posts by Pineto


ABBA in Castellana Grotte

4th Round Second Half: Saturday at 8.30pm 4 advances scheduled. On Sunday at 4pm the league leaders Grottazzolina goes to Porto Viro. At 6.00...

Andrea Santangelo with ABBA

3rd Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: CUS Cagliari - Negrini CTE Acqui Terme 3-0 (25-20, 25-23, 25-16) Stadium Mirandola-Belluno Volley...

Clear loss for ABBA Pineto

ABBA PINETO – EMMA VILLAS SIENA 0-3 (22-25, 19-25, 23-25) Abba Pineto: Santangelo 1, Mignano, Pesare, Sorgente (pos 38% prf 15%), Frąc 13, Basso 9,...

ABBA Pineto hosting Siena

3rd day of return: Pineto - Siena is played on Saturday. Sunday at 4.00pm Aversa - Cuneo and Reggio - Castellana, at 6.00pm Grottazzolina...

ABBA Pineto and Corey Chavers part ways

Corey Chavers and ABBA Pineto Volley share their paths. The club, in accepting the wishes expressed by the player in recent weeks, communicates the...

One point for ABBA

CONSOLI SFERC CENTRALE – ABBA PINETO  3-2 (12-25; 25-16; 22-25; 25-16; 15-10)   BRESCIA: Erati 10, Braghini, Sarzi Sartori, Tiberti 1, Ferri, Cominetti 19, Malual 1,...

ABBA Pineto fired Giacomo Tomasello

ABBA Pineto Volley announces that Giacomo Tomasello has been relieved of his role as First Team coach. The Society would like to thank the coach...

Pineto defeated at home by Santa Croce

1st Round Second Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: WOW Green House Aversa-Pool Libertas Cantù 0-3 (19-25, 22-25, 26-28) BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte - Consoli Sferc Brescia...

ABBA at home versus Santa Croce

The first half of the Regular Season in Serie A2 Credem Banca ended with the Boxing Day of Boxing Day without any jolts at...

A loss in Ravenna for Pineto

13th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina-WOW Green House Aversa 3-0 (28-26, 25-22, 29-27) Sieco Service Ortona-BCC Tecbus Castellana Grotte 2-3 (22-25,...

ABBA Pineto on road in Ravenna

13th day: halfway point on Boxing Day, teams on the pitch at 6pm. Tuscan derby between Siena and Santa Croce, Grottazzolina hosts Aversa, Prata...

ABBA defeated by Cantù

12th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce - Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina 3-2 (27-29, 26-24, 18-25, 25-14, 15-12) WOW...