Sunday 1 September 2024 2:21
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Tickets in advance before Castellana vs Taranto

Grest match next Sunday in Castellana vs strong team of Taranto. In Castellana is already possible to buy tickets in advance.

Back training

President Bruno speaking

solidarity action for amip

Captain Botti: "Honoured to play also for them"

Nothing to do in Verona

Verona won on Monday night 3-1

Bassano on tv

Team still loking for Desiderio's substitute

Pineto loosed without 2 players

Mercatone Uno Pineto loosed vs Taranto without its player Shittu and Birarelli. Pineto hopes to have at disposal injured players for next match, Sunday...

All right in Genova: “We need time”

After the defeat in Catellana Fabbroni speaks

Rondini: “We honoree our uniform”

General manager Rondoni speaking

Players and staff to a solidarity concert

Solidarity happening for Itas Diatec Trentino in Mart Auditorium of Rovereto. Players and staff will be there for a solidarity concert.

1st seasonal defeat

Nothing to do for Bassano vs Loreto

Victory in Isernia

Back on the top. Next match vs Loreto

Weekly program

Thursday night vs Piacenza