Tuesday 16 July 2024 10:48
Home Teams Posts by Mirandola


No way versus Mantova

A set played masterfully, then the return of Novello who brings balance to a Gabbiano in difficulty without leaving a chance for Mirandola, who...

Mirandola facing the leaders

8th Round of Second Half: in the White Group on Saturday Sarroch hosts Acqui Terme, Mantua receives Mirandola and Savigliano welcomes Motta. Two matches...

Lost chance for Mirandola

In the first half Mirandola started aggressively and moved within 4 points to 1, demonstrating on the court a desire to win not dissimilar...

Recovering Second Round

  With the midweek recoveries, the provisional scoreboard of the Serie A3 Credem Banca tournament is completed, which will experience the 6th round of return...

Home loss for Mirandola

5th Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Moyashi Garlasco - CUS Cagliari 3-1 (25-17, 25-23, 20-25, 27-25) Stadium Mirandola - Negrini...

Facing Acqui Terme

On Saturday in the White Group the Mantua - Brugherio derby, Motta hosts Salsomaggiore, Savigliano receives Sarroch, on Sunday three more matches between 4.00pm...

Another loss for Stadium

  4th Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme-Gabbiano Mantova 1-3 (25-18, 22-25, 19-25, 17-25) Belluno Volley-Personal Time San Donà...

First 2024 road trip for Mirandola

  Girone Bianco starts on Saturday at 5pm with Sarroch – Bologna, at 6pm in Campo Motta and Mirandola. On Sunday at 6.00 pm the...

Three golden points over Belluno

3rd Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: CUS Cagliari - Negrini CTE Acqui Terme 3-0 (25-20, 25-23, 25-16) Stadium Mirandola-Belluno Volley...

Stadium hosting Belluno

3rd day of return: in the White Group on Saturday they beat Mantova and Sarroch. Four matches on Sunday, while San Donà and Brugherio...

Home loss for Mirandola versus Savigliano

1st Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Moyashi Garlasco - Sarlux Sarroch 2-3 (18-25, 25-18, 25-21, 19-25, 11-15) Geetit Bologna -...

Tie break win for Stadium in Salsomaggiore

Quarterfinals - Del Monte ® Coppa Italia A3 Mercoledì 10 gennaio 2024, orari da definire Gabbiano Mantova - CUS Cagliari (1a Bianco – 4a...