Tuesday 16 July 2024 11:29
Home Teams Posts by Garlasco


A loss for Moyashi

4th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Pool Libertas Cantù-Tinet Prata di Pordenone 1-3 (23-25, 25-27, 25-16, 12-25) Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce-Consar Ravenna 0-3 (20-25,...

Garlasco at home versus Acqui Terme

4th Round: Wednesday at 18.00 Aversa hosts Ortona, Siena goes to Reggio, Castellana to Pineto, Cuneo to Brescia, Ravenna to Santa Croce. Cantù awaits...

Moyashi comeback fell short

3rd Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Puliservice Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo - WOW Green House Aversa 3-0 (26-24, 25-14, 25-22) Sieco Service Ortona -...

Moyashi looking out for continuity

3rd Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Puliservice Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo - WOW Green House Aversa 3-0 (26-24, 25-14, 25-22) Sieco Service Ortona -...

Three points for Moyashi

2nd Round First Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Stadium Mirandola-Gamma Chimica Brugherio 3-0 (25-14, 25-18, 25-23) Moyashi Garlasco-Belluno Volley 3-1 (28-30, 25-22,...

Moyashi Garlasco at the debut

The first home match is finally approaching, and Moyashi Garlasco is preparing to set up the PalaRavizza with enthusiasm and determination, to welcome all...

Garlasco in Cagliari

Girone Bianco The new season opens on Saturday 14 October with three previews. At 6.00 pm Pallavolo Motta hosts Negrini CTE Acqui Terme at PalaGrassato,...

The start of the season

Girone Bianco The new season opens on Saturday 14 October with three previews. At 6.00 pm Pallavolo Motta hosts Negrini CTE Acqui Terme at PalaGrassato,...

Moyashi is ready for the start

The new season of the Credem Banca A3 series championship is upon us and for Moyashi Garlasco preparations continue for the first important away...

Good tests versus Mantova and Salsomaggiore

First opportunity to show itself to its public for Moyashi Garlasco, engaged in Dorno in an evening of joint training with Gabbiano Mantova and...

The start of Moyashi Garlasco

First day of "school" for the boys of Moyashi Garlasco who met yesterday for the usual presentations at Agri G. en Gin in Zebolò,...

Moyashi Garlasco set the team

Working in silence and well in advance, Moyashi Garlasco has completed its squad for several weeks, being able to count on important shots to...