Tuesday 16 July 2024 6:22
Home Teams Posts by cagliari


A loss versus Belluno

CUS CAGLIARI - BELLUNO VOLLEY 1-3 )17-25, 33-31, 13-25, 25-27) TABELLINO - CUS CAGLIARI: Ambrose 5, Marinelli 12, Kindgard 1, Busch 14, Miselli 9, Menicali 12; Vitali...

Big challenge closing the year

1st Round of Second Half: White Group on Saturday with six matches: starting at 3.30pm with Garlasco - Sarroch and finishing at 9pm with...

A win in the Derby in front of sellout crowd at...

Cus Cagliari - Sarlux Sarroch 3-1 (18-25, 25-18, 25-22, 25-22) CUS Cagliari: Calarco 6, Ambrose 16, Marinelli 12,Kindgard 3, Busch 19, Miselli 13, Menicali 6,...

First Sardinian Derby in Serie A

Girone Bianco on court at Santo Stefano. The Lombard match between Brugherio and Garlasco starts at 5.00 pm, Bologna – Mantua and four derbies...

Clear win for Cagliari

CUS CAGLIARI: Calarco 18, Ambrose 3, Marinelli 11, Kindgard 2, Busch 13, Miselli 1, Menicali 5. 1°All. Ammendola, 2°All. Melis STADIUM MIRANDOLA: Nasari 4, Albergati 16,...

Cagliari over Motta at PalaPirastu

  11th Round First Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco Moyashi Garlasco - Stadium Mirandola 3-1 (23-25, 25-23, 25-21, 25-20) Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme - Sarlux...

Hosting Motta at PalaPirastu

11th Round: the weekend's matches. Girone Bianco starts on Sunday at 5pm with Cagliari – Motta and Mantova – Belluno, two matches at 6pm,...

CUS Cagliari over Bologna

CUS Cagliari returned to Sardinia with three important points for its ranking. After the home defeat against San Donà, the rossoblù won away in...

CUS Cagliari to Bologna

CUS Cagliari is ready to restart after the stop on the last day against the battleship San Donà di Piave, still undefeated leaders of...

Cus Cagliari challenging the leaders

8th day: White Group starts on Saturday with Motta – Savigliano and Garlasco – Salsomaggiore. Acqui Terme and Sarroch meet on Sunday at 3.30pm,...

Cagliari still dreaming

Linking the word "Serie A" to the name of Michael Menicali again, after a few years, is a sign that the paths of merit...

Tie break win

  7th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina - Consoli Sferc Brescia 3-1 (25-22, 25-18, 23-25, 27-25) WOW Green House Aversa-Conad Reggio...