Sunday 28 July 2024 0:24
Home Teams Posts by Bolzano


Looking to avoid relegation

Serie A2 UnipolSai 11th Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai – GIRONE BIANCO Videx Grottazzolina-Ceramica Scarabeo GCF Roma 0-3 (21-25, 21-25, 19-25); Aurispa Alessano-Kemas Lamipel Santa...

One point versus Taviano

Serie A2 UnipolSai     11th Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai - GIRONE BLU Pool Libertas Cantù-Caloni Agnelli Bergamo 1-3 (21-25, 23-25, 25-21, 17-25) Monini Spoleto-VBC Mondovì 3-2...

Home Game versus Taviano

Serie A2 UnipolSai 11th Round Second Half, last round of regular season for Unipolsai Serie A2, approaching the Pool phase. In Girone Bianco on sunday...

One point on road from Ortona

Serie A2 UnipolSai10th Round Second Half. Girone Bianco: important wins for Roma, Siena, Santa Croce, Grottazzolina and Alessano. Pool A already decided for first...

Last road game in Ortona

Serie A2 UnipolSai 10th Round of Second Half in unipolsai Serie A2, in Girone Bianco next saturday 13th january at 20.30 will take place Conad...

Wonderful win over powerhouse Spoleto

9th Round second half, in Girone Bianco plenty of marathons, tie break wins for GCF Scarabeo Roma and GoldenPlast Potenza Picena, two points at...

Great win over Mondovì in last 2017 game

Serie A2 UnipolSai 7th Round Second Half Serie A UnipolSai Girone Bianco: Ceramica Scarabeo GCF Roma-Conad Reggio Emilia 3-1 (25-12, 23-25, 25-17, 25-21);

Hosting Mondovì

Serie A2 UnipolSai 7th Round of Unipolsai Serie A2 second half, last game of 2017, all 22 teams on court on 30th december. Girone Bianco...

Home loss at PalaResia

  6th Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai - Girone Blu:   VBC Mondovì-Caloni Agnelli Bergamo 0-3 (17-25, 17-25, 19-25); Geosat Geovertical Lagonegro-Maury's Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania 0-3...

Giannotti with Mosca Bruno

6th Round of Second Half for Girone Bianco in Unipolsai Serie A2 on tuesday 26th december, at 16 with the derby Santa Croce ¨C...

Difficult game in Bergamo

Serie A2 UnipolSai Another big round Serie A2 UnipolSai, after wednesday's round. Second Half Fifth Round is upcoming, with Girone Bianco who will start on...

Burattini: “let’s start again”

Looking forward next upcoming game versus Caloni Agnelli Bergamo, Mosca Bruno Bolzano will need to step up and turn the page, after the bad...