Sunday 28 July 2024 2:27
Home Teams Posts by Bolzano


Great win for Mosca Bruno

  2nd Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai – Pool A   Centrale del Latte McDonald's Brescia-Ceramica Scarabeo GCF Roma 1-3 (23-25, 25-20, 29-31, 25-27) Monini Spoleto-Kemas...

Hosting Castellana Grotte needing for a win

2nd Round Second Half Serie A2 UnipolSai – Pool A Sabato 10 marzo 2018, ore 20.30 Monini Spoleto - Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce Diretta Lega Volley...

Fundamental match versus Massa

Serie A2 UnipolSai First Round of Second Half for Unipolsai Serie A2 Pools. In Pool A will tak eplace the derby of Lazio between Ceramica...

Bye week for Bolzano

  Last Round of first Half for Serie A2 Pools. In Pool A the leaders of the standings Ceramica Scarabeo GCF Roma will host dangerous...

We competed, versus Catania

Pool C Serie A2 UnipolSaiMosca Bruno Bolzano - Messaggerie Bacco Catania 1-3 (25-22, 20-25, 21-25, 23-25) - Mosca Bruno Bolzano: Quartarone 1, Ristic 8,...

Home loss versus Catania

Pool C Serie A2 UnipolSaiMosca Bruno Bolzano - Messaggerie Bacco Catania 1-3 (25-22, 20-25, 21-25, 23-25) - Mosca Bruno Bolzano: Quartarone 1, Ristic 8,...

At PalaResia versus Catania

Serie A2 UnipolSai Third Round of Unipolsai Serie A2 Pools. In Pool A Ceramica Scarabeo GCF Roma is playing an outstanding volleyball, now in first...

In Puglia versus Castellana Grotte

Three Pools on court in the Unipolsai Serie A2 for Second Round. In Pool A Ceramiche GCF Scarabeo Roma will defend the leadership versus...

Important win on Massa

  1st Round – Pool C:   Pag Taviano-Messaggerie Bacco Catania 3-2 (25-18, 22-25, 25-23, 19-25, 15-13); Geosat Geovertical Castellana Grotte 3-1 (25-17, 25-18, 12-25,...

Hosting Massa looking forward to some points

Second part of Unipolsai Serie A2 season is upcoming, with Pool A, Pool B and Pool C on court starting next saturday. In Pool...

Hosting Massa in Bolzano

Serie A2 UnipolSai Second part of Unipolsai Serie A2 season is upcoming, with Pool A, Pool B and Pool C on court starting next...

The road to avoid relegation

Avs Mosca Bruno Bolzano is ready to approach the second part of the season, starting next sunday at PalaResia versus Acqua Fonteviva Massa. Will...