Tuesday 16 July 2024 12:50
Home Teams Posts by Bologna


Bologna fought hard, grabbing one point

  11th Round First Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco Moyashi Garlasco - Stadium Mirandola 3-1 (23-25, 25-23, 25-21, 25-20) Wimore Salsomaggiore Terme - Sarlux...

Changing the trend versus Acqui Terme

11th Round: the weekend's matches. Girone Bianco starts on Sunday at 5pm with Cagliari – Motta and Mantova – Belluno, two matches at 6pm,...

Fifth loss in a row for Geetit

BELLUNO VOLLEY-GEETIT BOLOGNA 3-0 PARZIALI: 25-13, 25-19, 25-15. BELLUNO VOLLEY: Maccabruni 4, Bisi 15, Schiro 12, Bucko 6, Mozzato 6, Antonaci 7; Orto (L), G. Martinez...

On road in Belluno

On Thursday 7 December at 8.30pm Geetit Bologna will face Belluno volleyball at the Spes Arena. We are at the tenth first leg of this...

Back to PalaSavena facing Cagliari

9th matchday: Aversa and Porto Viro on Friday, Prata and Brescia on Saturday. Siena – Cuneo launches volleyball on Sunday at 4pm. The round...

Bologna fired coach Marco Marzola

The Volleyball Society Bologna SSD RL, today, announces that it has relieved Marco Marzola from the role of first coach of the team. Thanking...

A loss versus Mirandola

  7th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina - Consoli Sferc Brescia 3-1 (25-22, 25-18, 23-25, 27-25) WOW Green House Aversa-Conad Reggio...

Facing Stadium Mirandola in the Derby

7th day: on Saturday Siena – Ravenna, Cuneo – Castellana and Prata – Ortona will be staged, on Sunday at 4.00pm Grottazzolina hosts Brescia,...

Home loss for Bologna

6th Round First Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce - Puliservice Acqua S.Bernardo Cuneo 3-2 (18-25, 25-23, 25-21, 15-25, 16-14) Sieco Service...

Bologna facing Morge Gerbaudo

6th day: Saturday the big match Grottazzolina – Prata at 8.30pm. On Sunday Santa Croce and Cuneo will compete at 4.00 pm, four matches...

Lorenzo Giampietri totally with volleyball

  6th day: Saturday the big match Grottazzolina – Prata at 8.30pm. On Sunday Santa Croce and Cuneo will compete at 4.00 pm, four matches...

One point versus San Donà

5th Round first Half SuperLega Credem Banca: Sieco Service Ortona - Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce 1-3 (19-25, 15-25, 25-23, 26-28) Conad Reggio Emilia-Delta Group Porto...