Tuesday 16 July 2024 8:24
Home Teams Posts by Aversa


Aversa inked young prospect Edoardo Spignese

Edoardo Spignese, libero from Ischia, is preparing for his first adventure in the Serie A volleyball championship. The talented athlete will wear the Wow...

Virtus Aversa approaching new season

Virtus Aversa, branded Wow Green House, is preparing for the new season with an important reinforcement coming directly from Serie A2. Morgan Biasotto, talented...

Bruno Canuto in Aversa

Virtus Aversa's masterpiece by Wow Green House, for the 2023/24 season, comes directly from Tabuleiro do Norte, Brazil, the city that gave birth to...

Riccardo Pinelli in Aversa

With his number 1 shirt he left an indelible memory of his technical qualities but also and above all of his human ones. Setter...

Salvatore Rossini in Aversa

Eighteen years after the first time. From baby promise to absolute champion. Salvatore 'Totò' Rossini returns to Aversa, he will be the new free...

Switches of titles between Serie A2 and A3

A triple change of 'shirt' that pushes the Normanna Aversa Academy to Serie A2, the Mirandola Volleyball Stadium to A3 while Agnelli Bergamo finds...

Wow Green House Aversa over Napoli

3rd Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore - Volley Team San Donà di Piave 2-3 (18-25,...

Three points for Wow Green House Aversa

2nd Round Second Half Serie A2 Credem Banca: Consoli McDonald's Brescia-Delta Group Porto Viro 3-1 (22-25, 26-24, 25-23, 25-19) Consar RCM Ravenna - BCC Castellana...

Dagioni and Aversa part ways, Falabella back

1st Round Second Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Da Rold Logistics Belluno - Volley Team San Donà di Piave 2-3 (25-21,...

Revenge Smi Roma

  Vigilar Fano - TMB Monselice 3-0 (25-14, 25-21, 25-17) Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore - Abba Pineto 0-3 (19-25, 22-25, 18-25) Volley Team San Donà di Piave...

Tie break loss for Wow Green House

  10th Round First Half Serie A3 Credem Banca – Girone Bianco: Abba Pineto - Gamma Chimica Brugherio 3-0 (25-23, 25-20, 25-13) Moyashi Garlasco - Geetit...

Dagioni brand new head coach of Aversa

Wow Green House Aversa has a new coach: he takes the reins of the Norman group coach Massimo Dagioni, born in 1966 with a...