Sir Safety Conad Perugia – LPR Piacenza 3-0 (25-13, 25-17, 25-18) – Sir Safety Conad Perugia: De Cecco 1, Zaytsev 12, Podrascanin 3, Atanasijevic 16, Russell 10, Birarelli 7, Tosi (L), Bari (L), Berger 0. DNP Buti, Della Lunga, Chernokozhev, Paris, Franceschini. Coach. Bernardi. LPR Piacenza: Hierrezuelo 1, Clevenot 5, Alletti 2, Hernandez Ramos 12, Marshall 9, Tencati 0, Parodi (L), Yosifov 4, Papi 1, Cottarelli 1, Manià (L), Tzioumakas 0. DNP Zlatanov, Di Martino. Coach Giuliani. REFEREES: La micela sandro, Puecher. NOTEs – setS: 22′, 28′, 27′; tot: 77′. MVP: Zaytsev
Good start in playoffs for Sir Safety Conad Perugia, in front of the (usual) sell out crowd of PalaEvangelisti, a great 3-0 win versus Lpr Piacenza in Unipolsai Superelague Quartefinals Game 1. Lpr Piacenza a bit unlucky, they lost for an injury cuban setter Raydel Hirrezuelo on 20-12 in first set, with Cottarelli in place of him all game long. Despite this, Perugia was great in all the fundamentals, with 63% in attack and 7 total aces, with MVP Ivan Zaytsev in a terrific night, together with a great Alexander Atanasijevic (16 points, best scorer of the game) and Aaron RussellFor Piacenza anyway a good offensive game for the duo Hernandez-Marshall, but all the team was in trouble in reception. Now Piacenza and Perugia will play Game 2 next wednesday at PalaBanca in piacenza, where Lpr will try to tie the game in front of the home fans.

Marko Podrascanin (Sir Safety Conad Perugia): “It was a good start in the playoffs for us, we were preparred and we did not repeated the mistakes we did in the Italian Cup Quarterfinals. It’s always a great emotion to play in this arena, on wednesday we’ll try to close the series, winning in Piacenza and clinching  the semifinal”.
Aimone Alletti (LPR Piacenza): “We had a slow start, also with Hirrezuelo on the court. Then without him we paid the price, because he’s a top level setter. We were together, as a team, but we suffered alot the serve of PErugia. We have to settle quickly, and be ready for Game 2 at home”.