Conad Reggio Emilia is third to last in Pool Promozione’s standings. In last game, Pupo Dall’Olio’s team lost at tie break in Aversa, suffering the comeback from Sigma who won the game leaving only one point to Conad. This week at PalaBigi will be the turn of powerhouse Emma Villas Siena, who won 2 of three games versus Reggio Emilia in Serie A games. Paolo Tofoli’s team is in second place in the standings, coming from the win versus Monini Spoleto and the loss in Bergamo versus Caloni Agnelli last wednesday. Paduro Diaz is a former player of Reggio Emilia.



4th round UnipolSai Serie A2 Pool Promozione

Wednesday 1st march 2017, -20.30

Caloni Agnelli Bergamo – Emma Villas Siena live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Conti

5th round Unipolsai Serie A2 Pool Promozione

Saturday 4th march 2017, -20.30

Conad Reggio Emilia – Emma Villas Siena live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Libardi

VBC Mondovì – Kemas Lamipel S. Croce live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Viale

Sunday 5th march 2017, -12.00

Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana – Sigma Aversa live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Bolognesi

Sunday 5th march 2017, -18.00

Caloni Agnelli Bergamo – Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Bartesaghi

Sunday 5th march 2017, -19.30

Monini Spoleto – BCC Castellana Grotte live on Lega Volley Channel

(Cerra-Del Vecchio)

Video Check: Arcangeli

Standings Pool Promozione

BCC Castellana Grotte 29, Emma Villas Siena 26, Monini Spoleto 25, Caloni Agnelli Bergamo 22, Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania 19, VBC Mondovì 19, Ceramica Globo Civita Castellana 17, Conad Reggio Emilia 16, Kemas Lamipel Santa Croce 12, Sigma Aversa 10