It was a bad night for Emma Villas Siena in Bergamo, a clear loss at PalaNorda versus Caloni Agnelli, a team in great shape who earned the 10th win in last 11 games.

In first set it was very balanced game, won at the extras 32-30 by Bergamo, in the other two Caloni Agnelli was more focused in the crunch time of the sets, winning 25-21 and 25-23 the sets, taking home tihis important win versus powerhouse Siena.
Siena suffered Hoogendoorn (27 points in the end) all game long, withour being able to react. The best scorer for paolo Tofoli’s team was Padura Diaz, with 16 points.

Caloni Agnelli Bergamo – Emma Villas Siena 3-0 (32-30, 25-21, 25-23) – Caloni Agnelli Bergamo: Jovanovic 2, Pierotti 10, Luppi 9, Hoogendoorn 27, Cavuto 12, Erati 5, Marsili 0, Innocenti 0, De Angelis (L), Franzoni (L), Carminati 1. DNP Gamba, Cioffi. Coach. Graziosi. Emma Villas Siena: Fabroni 2, Russomanno Dos Santos 7, Menicali 7, Padura Diaz 16, Noda Blanco 5, Patriarca 6, Battista (L), Di Tommaso 0, Cannistrà 0, Cesarini (L), Vedovotto 8. DNP Gradi, Spadavecchia, Braga. Coach. Tofoli. REFEREES: Pecoraro, Pozzi. NOTES – sets: 36′, 25′, 30′; tot: 91′.