After the great win in Puglia versus BCC Castellana Grotte, monini Spoleto now is ready to face the next challenge in Unipolsai Seire A2 Pool Promozione, where Coach Provvedi’s team will face Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania on the home turf.

Veteran setter Natale Monopoli, captain of Monini Spoleto, analyzed the game versus BCC Castellana Grotte: “We knew we had to play versus a strong team who is always good on the home turf, and now we are very happy for this win. “In this Pool Promozione we’ll face all high level teams, we need to stay focused on our play and our way. Now we need to save energies looking forward to the gae on wednesday versus Tuscania, anither great tema with wonderful fans”.