Will start sunday at 18 the Pool Promozione for Monini Spoleto, facing on the road BCC Castellana Grotte.
The hunt for the Unipolsai Superleague starts versus a good team, who can be tough to defeat, but the team of Coach Provvedi is focused and determined to win.

The words of Coach Provvedi: “we are sharing first place together with Emmas Villas Siena, and this can give us an advantage in qualifying for the playoffs, but we will face teams we never faced in this season (except Tuscania in Italian Cup), and we dont’ really know the real forces of this Pool”.

1st round Pool Promozione Serie A2 UnipolSai

Sunday 12th february 2017, -18.00

BCC Castellana Grotte – Monini Spoleto live on Lega Volley Channel


Video Check: Colapietro