S.E.C. Isernia: The stop of the championship because of the All Star Volley scheduled on the 5th of November has given rest for SEC Isernia. Despite the second last position in the standing the situation is not that bad.

We decided to interview his majiesty “El Diablo”

What do you feel when you think back at the golden years of your carreer?
“I am aware of being one of the best players of the world in the nighties and I am proud that I represented the volleyball, the sport and my country Cuba. It is a great satisfaction after so many years that there are still people stopping me for an autograph. The biggest emotions… the match against Italy, at the World Championship and at the Olympics Games and know that those matches are still giving interests and emotions to the young people!”

Is there a match that you would replay?
“No doubt… The one against Italy in the 1990…”

According to you is there a player that can become the future Despaigne?
“There is not a specific name, but I think that everyone can become like Joel Despaigne, the important is to want it and whish it. Play the matches and the trainning session, with the will of winning, to show how good you are, and how far you wanna go. My advice to the young people is to have the right attitude, the will of work hard and sets important goals and to think everyday that you are the best.

Anna Palermo
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