Centrale McDonald’s Brescia will play versus Bergamo in the last game of regular season, and will play to remain in Serie A2 Unipolsai in the next stage of the Tournament, after an half season as protagonist.

They started very well the season, good at home and more or less good on the road, until 26th december, where Brescia lost to Reggio Emilia. A bad injury for setter and leader Simone Tiberti, trouble with Paolo Torre, veteran setter in substitution, but no way for Brescia.

5 losses in a row, some of them suffering come backs, and big troubles in january, put Brescia in the Group for remain in Serie A2 (Poule Salvezza) in White Group, versus 5 teams of the other Group in regular season, keeping the points of the regular season. In this group of 10 teams the first two in the standings will stay in Serie A2 Unipolsai, the last 2 will sent in Third division (Serie B), and from third til eighth the teams will play a 5 games series which will send the three losing teams in Serie B