Enthusiasm and confidence for Monini Marconi Spoleto, looking forward to the key par of the season. Another win the second round of the tournament, 11 in last 12, the last versus a contender as Reggio Emilia. All the city is crazy about the team, in this season at Palarota the hardcore fans and the “normal” fans all together in encouraging the team.

All the team is working with the right focus, the right ethic and a great “hungry for win”, with coach Riccardo Provvedi and athletic trainer Carlo Sati who are motivating and preparing in the right way the players. Great results in this season, and a terrific win versus Reggio Emilia, 62% in attack, 64% in reception, perfect down the net (11 blocks) and in defence, and a lot of winning points after deflections down the net.

All the players were great (everybody above 50% in attack and in reception), but the  MVP of the game has been Romolo Mariano, 58% in attack, 4 blocks and 2 aces. After the great last season with Sora, he had some troubles early in the season because of injuries, he came back in this second part of the season,

The last game of regular season, befor the second round of the tournament, will be versus Sol Lucernari Montecchio Maggiore, a team which will fight to remain in Serie A2. Monini will fight for the win, to close regular season with 14 wins and 4 losses. “We’ll play Montecchio for win – said DS Lattanzi and Team Manager Vigilante – then we’ll think about the next stage of the season”.

If the tournament would finish on today, Monini Spoleto would be in first place with 17 points, one more of BBC Castellana of former player Mimmo Cavaccini, only if Emma Villas Siena would defeat Sigma Aversa, the team from Tuscany will tie Spoleto atop the standings. In the upcoming next stage “Pool Promozione” the teams will play two times in a week versus the teams of the other group. Monini Marconi will play on wednesday 15 febbraio at 20.30 versus Maury’s Italiana Assicurazioni Tuscania.

Players and coaching staff know that the tough part of the season is upcoming. The next stage will be another kind of tournament, looking toward to the playoffs. The team is working hard in the gym to be ready for the next key games, counting also on the enthusiasm of the incredible audience of Spoleto’s fans

Ufficio stampa Monini Marconi Spoleto
(Photo credit Cristian Sordini)