Aversa came back from the capital with three points and will be third in the table for one day. The team of president Di Meo dominated Club Italia on a 3-0 score. They blocked to perfection, made no mistakes on the serve and were powerful in attack. It was all easy against the youngsters of the hosts, who remain without a point in the table. This is Aversa’s third consecutive win after the ones over Potenza Picena and Lagonegro.

CLUB ITALIA CRAI ROMA – SIGMA AVERSA 0-3 (14-25; 16-25; 18-25)

CLUB ITALIA CRAI ROMA: Gardini 3, Piccinelli (L1), Margutti 8, Caneschi, Baldazzi 10, Maccabruni 2, Beltrami dnp, Baciocco, Russo 5, Rondoni dnp, Imbesi dnp, Garofolo 1, Tofoli, Mosca. Coach. Totire. Secondo Coach. Roscini

SIGMA AVERSA: Di Florio dnp, Santangelo 11, Vacchiano (L), Putini 3, Razzetto dnp, Libraro 13, Hister 6, Robbiati 5, De Rosas, Valla dnp, Montò dnp, Giacobelli 8. Coach. Pasquale Bosco.