In three road games, Civita Castellana showed all its toughness by winning in Bergamo, Cantù and Grottazzolina. Now coach Spanakis will want some confirmation on home soil in Sunday’s big match against Spoleto. The two teams met twice in pre-season and Spoleto proved they could really hurt Civita. Spoleto stands one point behind but has a game in hand.

« The Grottazzolina game was extremely important for me – said coach Spanakis – We have been extremely unlucky in this beginning of season with injuries, some serious, and in spite of missing players the team played with character. Everybody worked hard without complaining about bad luck. 18-year-old Mauro Sacripanti made his debut in the starting line-up and once he overcame the emotion he was solid, brought balance and composure to the group ».