There were two Padova team on court this Saturday, the one that quickly fell 2-0 behind and the one that was much more effective and composed from the third in a come-back that led to a 3-2 victory over Verona. Maar (18 points, 61% in attack, 44% in reception) and Volpato, who came on from the third (10 points, 3 aces, 4 blocks) were the main architects of this victory. Padova’s last friendly will be on Thursday in Trento.

Kioene Padova – Calzedonia Verona 3-2
(24-26, 23-25, 25-22, 26-24, 15-10)

Kioene Padova: Shaw 3, Giannotti 11, Maar 18, Koncilja 8, Averill 8, Fedrizzi 7, Balaso (L); Zoppellari, Bassanello, Volpato 10, Milan 6, Link 4. Coach: Valerio Baldovin

Calzedonia Verona: Zingel 5, Kovacevic 12, Paolucci 1, Holt 8, Stern 18, Anzani 6, Giovi (L); Frigo (L); Mengozzi 7, Baranek 6. Coach: Andrea Giani.