Framasil Cucine Pineto: A bitter defeat for Framasil Cucine Pineto. Mail Service Corigliano gets out of the Pala Mercatone with a 3-1 victory.
Giuliani starts with: Parodi and Kovacevic (28 points for him at the end of the match) spikers. Pineto answers with Ronaldo setter and Bergamo opposite. The brazilian opposite is the best player for Pineto.

A very tought match, with Pineto always fighting point to point until the end of the sets where Corigliano showed a better “killer instinct” that makes them colse the match in their favour.

The first set is closed by a lucky ace of Maric. In the second set Pineto shows a great game thanks to Ronaldo, Russo and Bergamo. 25-15 for Pineto the final score. Third set like the first: very tight until the very end where also a doubtful decision of the referee gives the set to Mail Service Corigliano.
In the fourth set Pineto starts very well but when the score is 13-7 coach Giuliani replaces setter Corvetta with Domizioli. The Corigliano game changes complitely and the set and the match go to Corigliano.

Scouts: Framasil Cucine Pineto – Mail Service Corigliano 1-3 (26-28, 25-15, 29-31, 23-25)
Sets lenght: 32’, 22’, 38’, 32.

Framasil Cucine Pineto: Medori, Leone, Mancini, Ronaldo 3, Sborgia 10, Beltran , Russo 15, Bergamo 23, Cacchiarelli, Zago 9, Baldasseroni 9. Coach: Fracascia.
Mail Service Corigliano: Kovacevic 28 , Parodi 10, Corvetta , Giovi, Karipidis 3, Tomasello , De Marchi, Domizioli, Maric 20, Parusso 1, Baldacchini 8. Coach: Alberto Giuliani.
Serves errorsi/ Aces: Framasil Cucine Pineto 15/3, Mail service Corigliano 15/6. Blocks: Framasil Cucine Pineto 12, Mail Service Corigliano 8.

Referees: Puletti and Montanari