Sora put another card on the table with the signing of Svetoslav Gotsev. He will be one of the three middle blockers with Matteo Sperandio and Andrea Mattei. Born in Pernik, Bulgaria, on 31 August 1990, he came up in Volleyball Club Slavia in Sofia. He made his pro debut in 2009 in Razlog, where he stayed for three years, went twice to the league final and once in the Bulgarian cup final. He made his full debut in the Bulgarian national team in 2010. His first experience abroad was in Italy, called by… Bruno Bagnoli at Verona. The following year, he moved to Germany and helped Friedrichshafen reach the league final and win the German cup. He was back in Italy in 2014-15 with Monza and at the end of the season he won the silver medal in the European championships in Azerbaijan. He spent last season in Iran.
“Svetoslav Gotsev is a middle blocker I had the chance to coach in his first season in Italy in 2012-13 – confirmed coach Bagnoli – He can speak Italian very well and knows our league. He showed all his quality in 2014-15 at Monza, finishing fifth best middle blocker in regular season with 216 points”.