Romagna’s building of the new season began with the magical hands of Luca Spirito, who will lead an even younger team than the previous one. Soli’s team will be exuberant and fearless. Born in 1993 in Savona, he will play his third season in the elite of Italian volleyball.
“This new adventure is just around the corner now and I can’t wait to get started – said the new setter – I am extremely motivated. I really want to make the most of this opportunity, individually and as a team. To be honest, I already know the club because a couple of years ago I had joined the group coached by Kantor for a few training sessions. It really looked like a well-organised club, with will to achieve great things. The aim will be to try to clinch a playoff spot. As for myself, I hope to keep getting better. I am excited to be able to play as a starter, leading the team is an honor and gives me great motivation”.