Siena’s new libero for the 2016-17 season will be Andrea Cesarini. Born in 1987, the 29-year old is Tofoli’s first signing. This season he shined in the Civita Castellana team. In his career, Cesrini helped his different clubs earn promotion (three times) and he won the Italian Cup A2 in 2010 (Roma) and 2015 (Vibo Valentia). He also played in the elite with Molfetta and San Giustino.
“Besides my abilities as a player I hope to contribute with my personality and my experience – said Andrea Cesarini – I had a very positive first impression from the club: it all seems well-organised and all done with passion. They take special care of the people. The PalaEstra is a very nice arena, now we have to conquer the fans on court”.