The playoffs now out of reach, head coach Barisciani now aims at what was the real target of the club: try to get to 30 points. Beaten home by Potenza Picena in the last round, Mondovì will be in Siena this Saturday night. At the top of the B1 division with Mondovì last season, Siena already secured their place in the playoffs and they’re aiming for fifth place and even have slim hopes for fourth spot.

“This will be a tough game against a team that changed a lot during the season – said coach Barisciani – That’s why it won’t be easy to prepare this game. Besides, we have some physical problems too, which won’t help. As for the pressure, to be jonest we never felt any. Getting in the playoffs would have been a great achievement but that was not a target. We tried our best but the fact we did not make it won’t change our game. In Siena, we’ll play as usual with confidence and determination, just like against Potenza, Ortona or Vibo”.