Thanks to his 37 points against Civita Castellana on Wednesday night, Peter Michalovic tied the record of points scored in a single game. It had been established 13 years ago by Youri Tchrednik. The Slovakian outside hitter has also beaten this season’s record in the Serie A2, which was 36 points from Reggio Emilia’s Cameroun outside hitter Kody.

Here are the top scorer in Vibo’s history:

Peter Michalovic 37 points: 2015-2016 CIVITA CASTELLANA-VIBO 2-3 (6 January 2016)

Youri Tcherednik 37 points:  2002-2003 VIBO-FORLI’ 3-2 (9 February 2003)

William Kirchein 35 points:  2001-2002 VIBO-LAMEZIA 3-2 (2 March 2002)

Mauro Gavotto 34 points: 2014-2015 VIBO-ALESSANO 3-2 (1 March 2015)

Ventceslav Simeonov 33 points:  2009-2010 VIBO-MODENA 2-3 (13 Mach 2010)