Music entertainment on Sunday with the Blubordò vocal ensemble on the occasion of the home game against Perugia. The latter are led by their Serbian star Aleksandar Atanasijevic, who’s currently second in the scoring chart with 93 points. This will make for a nice match-up with Padova’s Stefano Giannotti, who’s fourth with 88 points. Sunday’s encounter will also be the 200th appearance in the Serie A for setter Santiago Orduna.

“This is an important number, especially for a foreign setter – he said – My main memories must be my arrival in Catania for my first season. I was full of hopes and it’s great to know that it all went for the best. Then, I have great memories from my time in Città di Castello with a superb group of guys and the fantastic atmosphere there was in the arena. And finally, I’ll have to pick the promotion and Italian cup triumph in the A2 with Padova. That really was a terrific season”.