Fiorese Bassano:

The team will be officially presented tomorrow night at 7.30PM at the “Wine Bar Marka’ Restaurant” in Bassano del Grappa. It will be a great party for the whole Bassano Volley world: all the teams will be introduced.

Today at 4.30PM Fiorese will play against Cavriago in a friendly match at the PalaBassano arena. Ten days ago in the same friendly match Bassano won 3-1. The team will still be without Carletti, Desiderio and Quiroga

Daniele Desiderio had his surgery yesterday morning in Asiago. The surgery went very well and Daniele should be back in the court in about three weeks.
Carletti has started to train again so his recovery is almost total!

Press Office
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino