RPA-LuigiBacchi.it Perugia: ANTONVENETA PADOVA: Esko 4, Pampel 18, Piscopo 9, Tovo 9, Andrae 21, Kromm 19; Garghella (L), De Togni 1. Coach: Schiavon
RPA-LUIGIBACCHI.IT PERUGIA: Sottile, Stokr 21, Lebl 14, Di Franco 14, Swiderski 20, Vujevic 12; Pippi (L), Braga, Mahmoudi, Saraceni 1. Coach: Zanini
REFEREES: La Micela e Boris
SETS: 21-25; 20-25; 25-23; 25-22, 17-19
SETS LENGHT: 25′, 26′, 30′, 30′, 25′, total 2h 16′
POINTS: Perugia 82 out of 114 (aces 5, blocks 9, serve errors 16; perfect passing 51%, positive 75%, attack 52%); Padova 81 out of 108 (aces 8, blocks 14, serves errors 16; perfect passing 48%, positive 66%, attack 45%)

Perugia could have won the first match of the Championship in a different way. Against Padova, RPA-LuigiBacchi.it wins at the tie break (19-17) and comes home with two golden point but it has been so hard.
Ahead 2-0 Perugia lost the third set and in the fourth is ahead 17-12 but it is not able to close the match.
First set to Perugia thanks a good passing and a final break (21-25) got from the spikers Vujevic and Swiderski.
In the second set good performance of Jan Stokr in attacking, blocking and serving. Very well also the middleblockers Lebl and Di Franco. And Perugia closes also the second set 20-25.
The third set is very tight. Saraceni replaces Vujevic and Mahmoudi replaces Stokr. Perugia fights but the set goes to Padova with the score of 25-23.
In the fourth set Zanini boys goes ahead 12-17 but Padova does not give up and with a huge reaction is able to win the set. Crucial tiebreak is very tight but at the end Perugia closes the match.

Eleonora Cozzari
Press Office
Perugia Volley