Agnelli Metalli Bergamo: Simo-Pekka Olli, new Agnelli Metalli Bergamo has arrived in Bergamo.
He says: “I choose to come to Bergamo because I wanted to play and I am happy to wear the Agnelli Metalli uniform”. After a summer spent with his national team where he conquered the qualification for the next European Championship, Olli is ready for the serie A2 Championship. “Serie A2 is a very high level championship and I heard so many good things about the team also from my teammate Yoko”
Olli is 203cm tall and was born in 1985. He played last year in Italy with Giotto Padova. “I want to give my very best and I hope that we will win a lot of matches!”
Tomorrow also the last player of the team will be in Bergamo: Alves De Almeida Lafit. Just in time for the official presentation of the team held tomorrow at the Saps di Lallio.

Sara Vavassori
Press Office Agnelli Metalli Bergamo
cell. 3490847457