The Ortona players and staff are working with intensity and determination in this early pre-season. “Our target is to get better all the time – said Alessio Fiore as the group completed its second week – We have a two-day rest now but we’re motivated and can’t wait to start a new week of training. Personally I came to Ortona to do better than what I did thus far. I really want to help the club”.

Meanwhile the fixture lists of friendly games has been set:

23 September Exprivia Molfetta – Impavida Ortona
1 October Impavida Ortona – Videx Grottazzolina
3 October Videx Grottazzolina – Impavida Ortona
7 October Impavida Ortona – Volley Potentino
10-11 October Torneo Palazzetto dello Sport – Ortona
17 October Volley Potentino – Impavida Ortona