Civita Castellana’s season got under way this morning under the orders of coach Spanakis. There will be 50 days of pre-season and various friendly games en route to the opening league game set on October 25 in Vibo Valentia. Still dealing with the paperwork to allow his arrival in Italy, Brazilian Da Silva will join his new teammates next week. The first taste of action will be in a tournament with Siena (A2) and Spoleto (B1) on September 26.

Meanwhile, the shirt numbers of the players have been revealed:

1 Andrea Cesarini
2 Giuliano Tataru
3 Adriano Paolucci
5 Paulo Victor Costa da Silva
7 Simone Testalepre
8 Michele Marinelli
9 Mauro Sacripanti
10 Giulio Santilli
11 Giancarlo Rau
12 Sebastiano Marsili
13 Davide De Matteis
16 Leonardo Puliti
17 Paolo Alborghetti
18 Michael Menicali