Great excitement all over to open up this new 2015-16 season. Over 400 supporters came to the club’s first meeting of the season. Five first team players were there: Baranowicz, Pesaresi, Gitto, Bellei, Frigo. “This has to be our year of maturity in which we make the qualitative leap – said Stefano Magrini – We have a roster who has what it takes to win all the games”. CEO Piero Rebaudengo spent a few words “Today we presented our new logo, we want the players to have it at heart. We had a precise vision. We are Verona, we will bring around the country and Europe the name of the city and the name of our sponsors. We are extremely proud to take part in a European competition. We are determined to do well”. Then coach Giani introduced all his players one by one.