The semi-final series between Sora and Potenza Picena is tied at 1-1. Sora first won in four sets before Potenza replied with a tie-break win. Game 3 is back in Sora and Potenza will try to take the lead in a series to be played on the best of 5.

“Sora is a chameleon like team, especially thanks to its experience and the talent of its setter Fabroni, who handles his spiker very well and has the ability to change strategy along the way – explained assistant coach Leonel Carmelino – But he is human too, and when we serve well and get him away from the net, it becomes easier to read the situation. They have four very dangerous jump servers, but we’re quite good too with our serve. I think the game will be decided from the 9-meter line. We’re not afraid of playing away even if we’ve lost game 1, the boys have always done well away from home”.