Vibo Valentia’s season ended prematurely as it went crashing against Potenza Picena in the playoffs quarter-finals. Here are the main numbers of a year that started under the guidance of coach De Giorgi until the end of the December before coach Monti took over.

27 games played: 22 in the rgeular season, 2 in the playoffs, 3 in the Italian cup. 15 wins, 8 on the road, and the two that led to the Italian Cup triumph. 8 games finished at the tie-brea, 3 wins, 5 defeats. Overall, they won 60 sets and lost 50. Andrea Cesarini and Mauro Gavotto made the most appearances with 27 games and 110 sets played. Gavotto was the top scorer with 467 points, Forni the best blocker with 78, Vedovotto the best server with 34 aces.


Andrea Cesarini: 27 games, 0 points
Giuseppe Feroleto: 14 games, 0 points
Marcello Forni: 23 games, 201 points
Mauro Gavotto: 27 games, 467 points
Bartosz Janeczek: 2 games, 5 points
Stanislav Korniienko: 15 games, 57 points
Viktors Korzenevics: 7 games, 4 points
Manuele Marchiani: 23 games, 10 points
Luka Medic: 11 games, 18 points
Alessandro Paoli: 12 games, 47 points
Luca Presta: 27 games, 201 points
Simone Sardanelli: 9 games, 1 points
Giacomo Sintini: 27 games, 87 points
Filippo Vedovotto: 26 games, 357 points
Bruno Zanuto: 27 games, 319 points