Tiscali Cagliari: The championship is about to start and Tiscali Cagliari boys are already working really hard. The team is basically complete only setter Peric will arrive at the end of the month. New coach Roberto Santilli decided to get the team ready and well prepared since the beginning. The goals are to play a good tournament. The starting six for the championship should be: Peric setter, opposite Batez, middleblockers Scilì and Postiglioni, spikers Sevillano and Barbareschi, libero Mascia. The goal is a good championship even if promotion projects are not hidden.

Presentation of foreign players Batez e Sevillano:

On Saturday morning at 11.00AM at the Palm Beach in Poetto the two foreign players Sevillano and Batez will be officially presented.

Elisabetta Floris (328/4153828; elifloris@email.it)