Fiorese Bassano: After two weeks of trainning, Fiorese Spa Bassano is getting ready for the first friendly matches. The matches will be useful to the coach and the boys to see the team work and the spirit in order to be ready for the beginning of the Serie A2 championship scheduled on the 24th of September.
First match will be agains Japan Tobacco on the 30th of August in Bassano at 5.30PM.

The team is now working really hard under Coach Simoni orders. Bertand Carletti is now recovering from a small knee injury. Also Quiroga is not present at the moment because busy with his national team.

Here after the Fiorese Bassano friendly matches program

Date Team Town Time
30.08.2006 Japan Tobacco Bassano 5.30PM
01.09.2006 Edilesse Cavriago Reggio Emilia 5.30PM
06.09.2006 Itas Diatec Trentino Trento 5.00PM
09-10.09.06 Torneo Taverna Crema TBN
12.09.2006 Edilesse Cavriago Bassano 5.30PM

Press Office
Bassano Volley
Mauro Sabino