2014 was the year Ortona consolidated its status in the Serie A2. Indeed, it improved on his 8th place in 2013 to finish 5th, and the playoffs were spectacular and unforgettable. There was first the series won 2-1 over Milan, before surrendering against Monza with Ortona attracting huge crowds. In the summer some players who wrote part of the club’s history left and some young blood came into the squad to write new stories to tell. And those players helped the club to keep dreaming. They have the top scorer of the league in Peter Michalovic (263 points), surrendered by great players that led the team to 9 wins in 11 in this first half of season. The arena is always full, and the club will now have the chance to organize the A2 cup final four.

“The past is where we started from in order to have the results we’re having now – said coach Lanci – In the past ten years, we have always made steps forward and improved our results. Where we are now is the result of the hard work done by players and the club. Of 2014, I will never forget the quarter-final game against Milan that gave us the pass for the semis we wanted so much, and then the first game of this season against Vibo, with my boys playing with heart and character. I hope to achieve a lot in the future, I don’t want to set ourselves any limit”.