In the Gubbio tournament semi-final, Città di Castello gave a good game to Modena, pushing them to the wire in each set but when the clutch time came the Modena stars stepped up to clinch it. Castello had excellent performances from Baroti and Randazzo in attack as they will now play for third place against Piacenza.

Altotevere Città di Castello – Sansepolcro vs Modena: 0-3 (21-25/25-27/21-25)
ALTOTEVERE PALLAVOLO: Corvetta, Baroti 19, Randazzo 11, Della Lunga 8, Aganits 5, Mazzone 6, Tosi (L), Dolfo 3, Maric, Kaszap 2. DNP.: Franceschini, Teppan, Lensi (2L). Coach. Montagnani.

MODENA VOLLEY: Bruninho 4, Petric 16, Piano 3, Verhees 6, Kovacevic 10, Vettori 15, Rossini (L), Sala 1, Ngapeth. DNP.: Boninfante, Casadei, Sartoretti, Donadio (2L). Coach. Lorenzetti.