Salento d’amare Taviano:
Yesterday afternoon Volleyball League showed the official calendars of next season: Taviano will start against Cavriago.
The Serie A Volleyball League has also showed some other data.
That is how Salento d’amare Taviano went: third positon for the press presence after Taranto and Crema and second position after Crema for the internet coverage.
Great results also for the crowd: in 17 home matches 13,259 people were present (3.59% more than the previous season)
In the number of people present in the match away from home Taviano has reached the second position with 17,180 people present (16.63% more than last season).
At the end in the 38 official matches played by Taviano in the 2005/2006 season, there have been more than 35,000 people with a 20% increase comparing to the previous season.

Daniele Greco