Acqua Paradiso Gabeca Montichiari: Pallavolo officially announces that the player from Serbia Dejan Bojovic will not play with the Club due the the sudden overnumbered players coming from outside Europe.
A Club can have a maximum of 4 players coming from outside Europe and Gabeca has already in the team: Veres, Meszaros, Jeroncic and Donald Suxho; so the sad decision to not let Dejan Bojovic play with the team for the next 2006/07 season. Dejan is a Gabeca player anyway so if the law will change he will play for the team, otherwise the Club will give him away for one year to another Serie A1 team.


Donald SUXHO, Lorenzo PERAZZOLO, Mauro GAVOTTO, Simone TIBERTI, Gregor JERONCIC, Simone BUTI, Marcello FORNI, Andrea SALA, Domotor MESZAROS, Enrique DE LA FUENTE, Peter VERES, Marcus POPP, Pietro RINALDI
Coach: Julio VELASCO