Marmi Lanza Verona: BluVolley Verona Club officially announces the contract signed with Francesco Biribanti for the next two seasons.
Biribanti, born in 1976 and 198cm tall, arrives in Verona after six years played with Latina. Before Latina he played with Sisley Treviso where he conquered his first tropheys: a European Supercoppa in 1995 and an Italian Tile in 1996. He also played with Loreto in 1997-98, with Fano in 98-99, with Ravenna in 99-00 and Palermo 00-01.
He also played 49 times with the National Team where he conquered the Gold Medal at the Europena Championship in 2003.
He declared: “I am very happy to arrive in Verona to find again Lorenzo Bernardi and Massimo Dagioni”.

Gian Paolo Zaffani
Press Office